Thursday, October 07, 2004

Same Sex marriages

Many people have issues with same sex marriages, I am not one of them , I am not the kind of person that sees anything wrong with two people kissing in public, for me it is natural and nurturing to view acts of love and devotion , shared moments of happiness. A lot of society sees same sex couples from skewed hearts and minds , altered by in grained religion, an up bringing, which is a result of those who interrupt it, and translate it biased as they are...Just like racist comments , and gender slurs, hatred , bigotry, and any kind of discrimination is just un-natural and wrong! And sadly many Homophobes just do not get it, because they are,"I" suppose not confident in themselves while presented with such behavior. Relationships are complicated at best. But with the added pressures of societies views, the ordinary stumbling blocks of finance , communication, compatibility, get exaggerated . And love a natural nurturing act becomes "dirty", why? The only possible way same sex relationships could have any effect on my life or any one else's, is to improve it ! Removing hatred and replacing it with love and affection binds community and society more closely. I offer as example the local BDSM community, ( which at present is divided by ideals) yet in the divided groups there still resides in the community as a whole a kindship and network of support, loving and caring for each of its parts making the whole. Each sub group of the community is closely tied together in their daily lives . Resulting in a family ( a term I once heard "Family of choice"), not blood related , yet at times more closely entwined...

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