Sunday, March 20, 2005

No I have not

No I have not forgot about this, nor am I void any rants , its just that with so much going on . The rants just pile up , where to begin now is the question that eludes answering...The world has gone to hell just as predicted should the evil dictator make it back into office.. As his group rapes and pillages the economy and our integrity, young adults die for a cause not ever defined, giving their lives in service for a country loved , that will show them no love should they survive to an old age... Then again to be forgotten.. The rich shall inherit the earth because the are placing the poor further into poverty and despair, making life a hopeless venture in ultimate futility! Welcome to America we took your poor , your hungry , those with a dream to succeed to a better life , and gave them nothing but government repression , bad health care, crime , and a life of disparity...

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