Saturday, January 22, 2005

Lost in thought

I started this rant back on the 22nd of Jan in the year 2005.. Feb 9th and nothing definite yet has come to make its way here , from the many thoughts , not one stands out! Much like winter one day its here and the next its spring like weather.. fading in and out hints of an idea , a thought not yet formed rises out of the blue only to vanish un realized... Hence tonite Feb 11 and still.... Valentines day soon approaching , imagine that ....Feb 16 , the year progresses on . The world decays further into the dark ages again. The resent flack over the exchange of same sex valentines. By kids, a group of individuals innocent of sexual preference... Being corrupted with ideas by the ignorant religious it is Feb 22 and still a blank slate ... Time to move on and return a new..

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Twinkie Filling

Once life sucks , no matter what you do or what happens , it has to get better for someone. At sometime, not wholly of your choosing, once you actually find bottom where else is there to go? Know what , once you find the answers, All that is left are questions, without answers... Life